Founded on November 10, 1973, the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation has since

1997 become the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace Research.

Its ultramodern headquarters was built in Yamoussoukro from 1977 to 1987 and

inaugurated on December 5, 1997 by the symbolic handing over of the keys to the

then UNESCO General-Director, Mr. Frederico Mayor.

The Foundation works under the aegis of UNESCO to achieve its objectives and

missions in the service of peace.
Goals and Missions
The Foundation proposes to spread the message of

President Félix Houphouët-Boigny to present and

future generations, to publicize his work, his political

and philosophical thinking based on the permanent

quest for peace. It has as its objective according to its

To contribute to the search for, safeguard,
preservation and promotion of peace in Africa and in
the world in the spirit of the Constitution of UNESCO
and the Charter of the United Nations;

To be a center for reflection and research on peace
   and to contribute to a better knowledge of the history
   of African peoples and their struggle for freedom and

To be a place of exchange, dialogue, conciliation
   human brotherhood.

The main missions of the Foundation are:

The establishment of a culture of peace at the
   national and international levels;

Preparation, training and citizenship training at all

The establishment of mechanisms and institutions
   for the establishment and strengthening of peace;

The creation of a framework for dialogue,
   between nations, communities, generations, civil
   society and non-governmental organizations.
Under the authority of the Secretary General,
Professor Jean-Noël Loucou, the Foundation
organizes scientific, cultural and educational activities,
coordinated by its two research departments: The
Department of Peace Research and the Department
of Historical Research.


To publicize its research and contribute to the meeting
and confrontation of ideas relating to peace, the
Foundation proposes a series of publications aimed at
researchers and specialists, and at the general public.
It publishes a quarterly newsletter, Félix Houphouët-
Boigny Foundation for Peace Research Newsletter,
an annual academic journal Dialogue and Peace and
books (F.H.B Editions)

The International Documentation Center (CID)

It provides users with books, periodicals and a rich
archive. This Internet-connected center can be
accessed from outside via the Foundation's website.
The Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation for Peace
Research is a private foundation with an international
vocation recognized as a public utility.
It is in partnership with the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which
annually awards the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Prize for
Peace Research for . It has legal personality and
financial autonomy.

The organs of the Foundation are:

The High Council of Sponsorship,
Board of directors,
The General Secretariat,
Two Research Departments,
The Financial and Administrative Department.

The human resources of the Foundation fall into
two categories:

Scientific staff composed of researchers recruited
   on a full-time or temporary basis to carry out the
   Foundation's research programs.
Administrative staff, technicians and service

The financial resources come from the income of the
activities of the Foundation and from the special
endowment that the Ivorian State grants annually for
the maintenance of the buildings and the operation.
The Foundation may receive donations, bequests and
other gifts deemed admissible by the Board of
Structures and Means